How time flies. It seems such a short time ago that the clocks went back. Now they have gone forward and we are into the bright mornings once again. This time of the year brings out a great sense of opportunity in me for some reason. The flowers, grasses and trees have been storing potential energy all winter long and are unable to hold on any longer.
We can see the buds in the trees, the daffodils in full bloom and the lawns needing cut. Everything seems to have gathered pace.
We too tend to feel better at this time of year. There can be a great sense of hope in the air. After a long dark winter we can see the light once again. We can hope for a wonderful summer like last year. Things tend to look better in the light. Everything moves towards the light and we are no different. It reminds me of old tales from my youth when people said that horses perform better with the sun on their back. Perhaps we do as well. Maybe the heat and warmth of times to come are just what is needed to kick start our potential energy and get us going.
We are entering a busy season. It is time to clear out all the dead stuff in our gardens and allow new shoots room to manoeuvre and pleasure us with their beauty. Shortly the smell of new mown grass and the sounds of lawnmowers will fill the air.
It is amazing how these annual events renew our trust in the world. Whatever happened during the dark winter is long gone and we are entering a spring where new life is all around us. Lambs are frolicking in the fields and the early morning chorus of the birds is ever more evident. Sometimes we ask ourselves ‘How do they know’? Well Mother Nature has taught them well and every year at this time they just know and do what they have to do.
Let us now take this time too to renew ourselves. Let us get out there to meet and greet this abundance of life everywhere. This is a wonderful time to nurture your sense of awe at the beauty of nature. Nature calms us, soothes us and gives us hope. Look at a spring flower in full bloom and realise that even with all our technology and all the scientific advances of the world we could not create such a thing; so delicate yet so strong. Nature continues whatever happens, and this is our hope.
This is our realisation that whatever is going on with us at the moment, nature will soothe and ‘This too shall pass’. Nature always forgives so maybe it is time for us to let go of the past and allow the potential energy in each of us to be released and allow us to bloom again and start living life to the full. Remember, The beauty about the past is, its over. So let’s get going now as today is the first day of the rest of your life and a great time to start living again.
Until the next time,
Tom Herron.