
“You should breathe through your mouth as often as you eat through your nose.”

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What is AsthmaCareNI

AsthmaCareNI provides training in the Buteyko Breathing Clinic Method and other lifestyle guidelines via 1-to-1 teachings and clinics. Asthma Care NI has been proven to considerably reduce coughing, wheezing, breathlessness and other respiratory problems.

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Results from Asthma Care NI

Based on the results of six clinical trials investigating the Buteyko Method for asthma on average persons who practice exercises will experience a substantial improvement of their asthma with 50% less coughing, wheezing and breathlessness within two weeks. Longer-term results include 90% less need for asthma medication and 50% less need for preventer medication within three to six months.

50% Reduction in coughing, wheezing and breathlessness

50% Reduction in the need for preventer medication

90% Reduction in the need for asthma medication

In 2014, the Buteyko Method of breathing received an ‘A’ grade (the highest grade of recommendation) of rating by the British Thoracic Society. The grade of recommendation relates to the strength of the evidence on which the recommendation is based.

Results are based on both reported verbal feedback and scientific trials feel free to request relevant trials here. (Medication may be reduced only by consensus of a medical doctor).

Are You an Athlete Struggling with Asthma?

Asthma ruining your performance in sport? Check out The Oxygen Advantage for sports performance. You you can learn how to increase energy and focus while improving resilience using a breathing technique to scientifically enhance performance.

How is this achieved?

Using the Buteyko umbrella of breathing correction exercises alongside lifestyle changes:

  • Learning a simple and very effective way to unblock the nose

  • Switching to nasal breathing permanently

  • Becoming more aware of breathing

  • Reducing the volume of air inhaled to correct levels permanently

  • Simple lifestyle changes to reverse over breathing

  • Expert teaching and tailored exercises and guidance 

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AsthmaCareNI Program

Your Instructor: Tom Herron

BSc (Hons) Psych Dip. Anatomy & Physiology, Adv Dip Psych. Adv Dip Hyp. LL.M MBPsS MEAPH FBPI

Tom is a fully qualified Asthma Care practitioner, accredited by both Patrick McKeown and The Buteyko Clinic of Moscow.

The classes are taught to individuals and small groups of no more than 12 people. This enables sharing of information, experiences, support and individual tuition. Asthma Care is an eight-hour breathing program presented over three weekly sessions and is a very effective therapy for all asthmatics.

Join the Asthma Care NI program today and improve your breathing.

Ready to get started?

When you’re ready, feel free to select AsthmaCareNI from the below drop down and book your appointment today! Or request a FREE discovery call and Tom will contact you.