I am in County Louth this morning and I am listening to the wind. Through the window of the room I am writing this article I can see a plastic chair being blown from one side of a patio to the other. A meeting I had scheduled had to be rearranged so my morning has to be reorganised. I love weather and atmospheric phenomena – any kind- however it can be much more pleasant to look at it from a cosy room than to be outside exposed to its wrath. I am reminded of a quote from Billy Connolly which states something along the lines that “there is no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothes”.

Today I now have the opportunity to mention a passion of mine that has been finely tuned over the years. I love finding new ways to create healthy habits and integrate them into everyday life. I expect that many of us already know the detrimental effect that eating more than the body needs can have on our health. What about exercising more than the body needs. Do you believe that would be useful? Or breathing more than the body needs, what about that? Can we actually exercise or breathe too much resulting with detrimental effects on our health? Well, yes we can breathe and exercise too much and yes, such practices can be harmful to your health. Over the next few weeks I will be introducing you to a new concept PEPSfit. PEPSfit shows you how to get yourself Physically, Emotionally, Psychologically and Spiritually fit (PEPSfit) and how these new habits can help you lead a more fulfilling, happier, meaningful and healthier life.
Until tomorrow

Tom Herron

Tom has over 25 years’ of experience in therapy, counselling, coaching and more. Over the years Tom had developed and delivered several programs in the Self-Care, Peak Performance and Self-Development fields.
